NameLindsay Kievits
IndustryRenewable energy
Collaboration since2022
Logo Zelfstoom
What problem was the organisation up against before working with EMP Brandkeepers?

We have a very large direct mail campaign we send out every week, huge numbers in fact. The process was rather laborious and hadn’t been automated yet. So we began exploring ways to set this up more efficiently. On the recommendation of a former colleague, we gave EMP Brandkeepers a call.

“EMP Brandkeepers thinks proactively with the situation; they don't just do what you ask, they go the extra mile”

Which EMP Brandkeepers services do you use?

Brand portal and support with the weekly mailing.

What are the benefits of working with EMP Brandkeepers?

In my experience, the cooperation is extremely pleasant. Firstly, they are very proactive and ahead of the curve. Nothing goes unnoticed. Robert is also a really nice person to work with, and he’ll even get the impossible done.

In what ways does EMP Brandkeepers make your or your colleagues' working day easier?

By saving loads of time and money. All our mailings used to be personalised by a whole DTP team of DTP, which took many hours. After moving to the brand portal, I can find all the mailings at a glance. I just upload an Excel file and the mailings are generated automatically. The process of getting the mailings ready was also quite long, which we have been able to shorten with the help of EMP Brandkeepers.

Why would you consider recommending EMP Brandkeepers to other companies?

EMP Brandkeepers thinks proactively with the situation; they don’t just do what you ask, they go the extra mile. This is where they are of real added value.